APC, PDP, Boko Haram (BH) and Other Stories

It has been awhile since I showed my virtual face here ( I say that a lot don’t I?) work has been keeping me on my toes. I work longer than average hours and the past weeks have been spent trying to adjust to my new schedule. Investment banking is not for the weak but I am enjoying the work and most importantly learning a lot.  However, this blog post is not supposed to be about my life so let me get on with the matter of the day.

I have been following, to the best of my ability (given the previously mentioned work schedule) the important, not so important and downright inane events going on in our beloved nation. I need to comment on some of these issues. The words have been bubbling in my mind looking for an avenue for release and this blog is my chosen medium.

I begin with the most recent event: the Abuja bombings It is a sad day when any life is lost. It is an even sadder day when you realize that people in whom you have entrusted your safety and given the mandate to serve your interest, have no interest in your interest. In fact they appear to have no interest in the continuation of your existence. It is sadder still when you come to the realization that given the actions of the opposition party, regardless of whether incumbent or the opposition party wins the forth coming elections, the lack of interest in our interest will persist.  If in the face of such a tragedy the first comment of someone who represents and speaks for a party that claims to fight for the Nigerian people is one which throws accusations at the opposition party, then we are doomed. How can the lives that were lost be considered so trivial that they are reduced political tools?  Is that how much a Nigerian life is worth these days?  Political points? Such accusations if they have anyq substance have no place been made in the public given its sensitivity and inflammatory nature. One who truly cared about securing justice for the victims, and who had access to verifiable information about who was responsible, would channel such information to the security agencies mandated to solve this problem of terrorism. Are the deaths of our brothers and sisters not greater than political gain? I remember the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States. On that day there were no Democrats or Republicans or Liberals. There were only Americans who understood that the sanctity of who they were as a nation had been threatened and that the justice had to be found for those who had lost their lives.  I think we need to take a cue from them. First of all, it is time to face facts, we are under attack from terrorists. This terrorism is sadly from within.  Next, our leadership must restructure their priorities! Issues of National Security are not political tools! They are issues that transcend party allegiances. The focus here should be preserving the sanctity and sovereignty of the Nigerian state (if there is no Nigeria left, I wonder what they will be campaigning for in 2015). Political games and agendas need to be set aside and everyone must come to table as a NIGERIAN. Those who died are not described or known as PDP or APC members. They were and will always be described as Nigerians.  Therefore, when we come together to chart a road map to secure justice on their behalf and ensure that such travesty does not reoccur; we must come not as PDP or APC members but as Nigerians. It is prudent to note that BH is not the just the governments problem, it is our problem. It is not a Northern problem, it is a Nigerian problem. We down south can’t abandon the North and turn a blind eye and make it their problem. I have observed that the only time there is a public outcry is when the attack in Abuja. Whenever it’s in any of the Northeastern states we are a lot more accepting. This should not be so. We need to take a stand before we wake up one day and find that the evil that seemed so far removed now greets us at our doorstep.  On a final note, separation is not a solution and a separation will most likely be economic suicide for the resulting entities (that however, is a discussion for another day).

Moving on to the National Conference. I haven’t had the privilege of watching any of the sessions as I am out earning a living. However, it appears (emphasis on appears) I am not missing much as all the updates I get about the conference show people sleeping and playing scrabble. We are paying some people (I acknowledge that not all of them are asleep or engaging in other social activities but are actually trying to achieve something.) 100 thousand Naira to sleep! (I need a career change)  I hope something comes out of this conference. Given the fact that I have no details on any matters discussed at this conference and I am in fact ignorant of the achievements so far (Google didn’t produce any fruitful result) I have no further comments and will move on to the next topic.

Child Prisoner Bride Kills her Captor Groom.  I have nothing to say except this: are you really surprised? I am not. What surprises me is that there are not more stories like this. You can only push someone even a child so far. When the law, institutions and people who are supposed to fight for this child failed her, she in the simplest way she knew, fought for herself (ooh, I feel a flash fiction idea coming up in my head) and her survival. Her life was in danger and she protected herself.  I understand why she committed murder and legally the self defense argument should provide enough reason for her not to be convicted. However, this ‘understanding’ does not change the fact that she took a life and I am saddened by the fact that someone so young should have to deal with psychological consequences of taking another human life. It is burden she has to bear and live with forever. No child should be put in a position where he or she feels murder is the only way out.  No adult not to talk of child deserves that.  click here for my full opinion on this child bride issue

The Immigration recruitment saga.  Where does one start? Should I begin with the fact that people had to PAY to apply for the job? Or the fact that uniforms were sold at the venue (at least in Lagos they did) or the fact that a 60,000 capacity stadium was used to host 80,000 people or the fact that someone thought this was a smart idea? Or that an individual in his speech on the issue stated that only seven lives were lost? Is death normal at a job recruitment exercise? So human life has become something ‘only’ can be used to qualify? The key learning points from this event:

  1. People are still clueless about the application of the internet when it comes to job recruitment
  2. People are so selfish and money hungry that they have no regard for human life hence poverty of mind and spirit is a deep problem in Nigeria
  3. Common sense is not common
  4. Unemployment is a real problem in Nigeria

Dencia and Lupita. Please do not close the page, I warned you that the inane was included. I have one line for this story. English and sentence meaning comprehension is a deep and fundamental problem.

Chiwetel Ejoifor’s nationality. I think we should decide who we claim as Nigerians (The British and the rest of the world also need to decide). If we are claiming this guy then we must claim that one that sliced off someone’s head on the road. We can’t engage in preferential selection.  Please after reading all that I have written above, are you really surprised that this brother is reluctant to claim his Nigerian heritage?  If you were in his shoes would you be in a hurry to declare your “Nigerianess”?

Okay that’s all for today folks. I pray I find time to blog more regularly. I miss it so much! Until next time make sure you do the following:

  1. Follow me @dchocoholiclady on twitter.
  2. Follow the blog by clicking the follow button so you can get updates on new posts
  3. Share my fabulous posts via social media! Including your bbm and whatsapp status!
  4. Leave comments … they make me happy.
  5. Have a chocolate bar… it really brightens your day.
  6. For those who claim Christianity serve God in truth. (I had to add that. I am a Christian, it comes with the territory)



PS: whoever said growing up was fun should be flogged. (just wanted to put that out there) and all the posts I promised, I will deliver someday. Just keep praying for inspiration.



3 thoughts on “APC, PDP, Boko Haram (BH) and Other Stories

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  1. Girl you gbam’end too much on this post. Since I reside “abroad”, I tend to be careful about what I say about Nigeria because it’s easier to wax eloquent when you are not Inthemidst (no pun intended) of the fire but what I feel there will never be change until Nigerians are good, ready and tired of the situation. You mentioned America and what I’ve learnt in history class is that the biggest changes i.e imdependence from the British, the end of segregation etc started from people being tired of the status quo and being tired enough to hit the streets and protest! What would happen if people refused to pay their NEPA bill till regular electricity is provided? What would happen if people refused to vote? What would happen if our jobless grads did a peaceful sit in or protest in front of ASO rock till their questions were answered? What if people refused to buy or bargain with any local govt/state/fed ran institution? Shebi it is out money being used to give gold played iPhones as take away gifts? *sigh*…I don’t know what it will take for us to be “tired” enough for change…

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